
General Metal Surface Treatment-Chromium Plating

The industrial sector is undergoing rapid transformation. Meeting the demands of enhanced product quality and intricate processes is a shared challenge for the automotive and industrial fields.

Your customers are particularly focused on cost control. Collaborate with us to elevate your processes to new heights while maintaining competitiveness through reduced costs and energy consumption. This doesn’t necessitate significant investments.

Achieve up to a 90% reduction in rework by upgrading to Xingtongli to enhance the final product quality. A stable process results in a more uniform thickness distribution, improving deposition in low-density areas. This translates to a potential reduction in rework by 50-90%.

Achieve up to a 40% reduction in nickel processing time and a 20% reduction in chromium processing time. Improving power quality can lead to increased production speed and yield. We have observed a 30-40% reduction in nickel processing time, a +/-5% reduction in decorative chromium processing time, and a 20% reduction in other aspects.

Switching from Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) rectifiers to Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) – Xingtongli optimizes the manufacturing process, ensuring electrical quality. Additionally, it enhances output, reduces overall rework, and lowers maintenance costs.

Chromium Plating

Ripple: ≈1%

Anybus Connectivity

Control Accuracy: ±1%

Efficiency: >90%

Increased Yield

Glossy Appearance

Meet Standard Hardness

Normal Thickness Growth

Excellent Material Adhesion

Consistent Thickness and Growth Time

Fewer Defects and Improved Shine

Upgrading to Xingtongli helps improve the thickness, appearance, hard chrome, and permeability of electroplated materials. Additionally, a stable process results in a more uniform thickness distribution, enhancing deposition in low-density areas. This translates to a potential reduction in rework by 50-90%. In comparison to Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) rectifiers, a superior power system also reduces unit chemical and energy consumption, operating more efficiently at full power. We have observed that utilizing Xingtongli can result in a reduction of up to 35% in unit energy consumption.

Certainly, improving power quality can accelerate production speed. In some cases, we have found a 40% reduction in nickel processing time, a +/-5% reduction in decorative chromium processing time, and a 20% reduction in other aspects.

Accessing alerts, equipment status updates, and real-time voltage data remotely helps mitigate the risk of downtime maintenance and optimize production.

Improving quality, increasing yield, and reducing costs. We provide the relevant knowledge, innovation, and support to ensure that the upgrade will enhance your profitability.

Post time: Dec-01-2023